Building the software

Linux (Ubuntu flavor) 64bits is actually the main development platform. Building on 32 bits target should be possible without any problems. Windows build support has been dropped, due to priorities, but some earlier versions have been build for Windows, so it should be possible.

The whole build process is base on GNU make, thus it needs to be available on the target machine. There is actually no autoconf neither Cmake-type build provided.

Simple build and installing

Once you have installed the source tree, either through an archive file or by using subversion, build is very simple. To build and install the software an a standard Debian or Ubuntu machine, just use this:

   sudo make install-bin

The minimal requirements for this default build target are as follows:

If required, all of the boost stuff should be made available on a Debian-based machine with the following command:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost-dev-all

Alternatively, you can also use make install, but this requires the manual to be build, as the doc target is a prerequisite of the install target (see below). So it would actually be better to do this:

   make doc -j
   sudo make install

The latter line will actually call the install script, that itself will copy:

Additional targets

For a list of available targets and options, just try make help.

If you need to build the user manual, type make doc. Be aware that this target requires that the following software is installed on local machine:

On a Ubuntu 14.04, these dependencies can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt-get ditaa scrot imagemagick wkhtmltopdf pdftk doxygen
The version numbers above are there just for reference, doesn't mean previous/latest versions will fail.
This target attempts to read css style sheets from the local machine, so the software must be installed (see above).

This target also calls the target demo, that (re)builds the samples from sources. If you only have doxygen installed, the command make dox will only build the manual, without the additionnal image processing stuff.

Alternatively, if one of the requirements above is not fullfilled you can use the full documentation provided in binary package.

If you want/need to build the full documentation of source files, replace doc by doc-dev in the previous command.

Notes on Windows build (for the volunteer...)

The previous Windows binary has been build on Windows 8 using gcc 4.9.2 from Mingw-w64 (

At present, only the binary release is uploaded (does not include demos and documentation). The release is statically linked with standard library to avoid runtime issues if Mingw runtime libraries not installed on local machine. Windows makefile has only a few targets that are functional at present but this should be improved in the future.