Downloading and installing


All the code is hosted on sourceforge at

The downloads page is located here:

The released files follow the naming scheme: gensched-{type}_{OS}-{arch}_{rel}_{date}.{ext}

To get only the source code, we recommend using the link provided by SF that provides the latest trunk snapshot:

In that case, you will need to build the software, see Building the software.


To install, download a binary package, extract archive content in some random folder, and run the provided install script.


From command-line on a Debian-type machine:

$ tar -xf gensched-bin_XXX_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz
$ sudo ./

The install script just copies some files into /usr/local/bin and /etc/gensched.


Windows build dropped for the moment, sorry!


After that, you can check correct installation by opening a prompt an trying:

$ gensched -h

This should produce the following output:

gensched, a html schedule layout engine
- version: 0.6.2, build on 20160316, Revision: 253
- project page and manual:
- usage: gensched [options] input_file
- options:
-h: print this short Help and quit
-H: shows full (local) documentation in default browser and quit
-f: print deFault runtime values and quit
-t: add Time stamp to output folder
-v: verbose mode
-w <week_string>: specify which Weeks to extract
-p <file>: use 'file' as parameter file instead of 'gensched.ini'
-g <file>: use Groups file
-n: do Not copy style sheets in output folder
-l <language_code>: produce output using specified Language
-d: output some Debug information in stderr
-c: don't print course Codes in schedule page table cells
-i: colors per instructor (default is per subject)
-y <year>: override Year value
Other settings may be given through configuration file (gensched.ini), see full manual
- Available language files: 2 (en,fr)

To see the full manual, you can go with:

$ gensched -H
: the latter will only work if you have downloaded the "full" package.

On Linux, the install script also install a "man" short help.